IS EAP The Place for me?

  • Are you stuck in your current training or program?

  • Are you lacking accountability and discipline to go to the gym?

  • Are you willing to do everything the coach asks you to do as it relates to your training goals?

  • Are you willing to accept that this is a marathon and not a sprint and know that goals are achieved in the long term not short term?

  • Are you willing to see your training through as long as needed to change the lifestyle you currently have?

  • Are you someone that is willing to work side by side with a coach and give as much effort as possible to achieve you fitness or athletic goals?

  • Are you willing to train as hard as you possibly can with the best effort you can each and every time you come in the gym?

  • Are your athletic goals to get to a higher level of play and compete against the highest level athletes you can?

If you can answer these questions with an honest "yes" come train with the best of the best